So every time I am unemployed I suddenly feel poor. Not that I really am, because I make more than minimum wage on unemployment. That's supposed to be enough to live on right? Seriously, I know this is temporary for me but it's a great reminder. It also makes me mad when people talk about welfare fraud because I just don't believe it happens that often. It's too hard and too little return on the time investment.
I do know how to play the game however, so I started looking for free and sliding scale health care because I need it. (I broke a tooth and it's killing me.) Once again I was reminded how little care and concern anyone has for your time. Remember, you are supposed to be looking for work as if it was a full time job.
I just spent all day getting my mouth x-rayed for the upcoming extraction. This started at 8 am when I started calling to see if they could "fit me in". It ended about 4:30 pm when I got home and packed my cracked tooth with stuff the dentist recommended. I did a couple of errands like get a parking permit (10 minutes tops) and a small (less than $40) grocery shopping trip but seriously, all day?
Yep, and next week I might be done with that but I still need teeth cleaning (which granted, I now know where I can go cheap) and medical which can wait, but again I have done the groundwork. I spent a good part of two days assembling information, calling places to see if I met their criterion, printing out documents to prove I am poor, and filling out paperwork.
I have yet to spend the time to get my $16 worth of foodstamps. That's right I do qualify, for a whole $16 a month provided I go with tax returns, statements from unemployment, picture ID, and who knows what else they want now. I don't believe a phone call or online option will do it but probably another half day of hurry up and wait will.
Getting down off my soapbox now but after all, it is my forum here so every once in a while I just have to vent. OK so now I am off to sign up for some free school I discovered but that is a story for another day.
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